Electrical Installation Condition Reporting

How do you know your Electrical Installation is safe – Do you have records? How do you know your Electrical Installation is safe – Do you have records?

Fixed Wire Installation Testing

(EICR – Electrical Installation Condition Reporting)

1. What is Fixed Wire Installation Testing?

(EICR – Electrical Installation Condition Reporting)

EICR) involves the testing of electrical services and systems that conduct electricity around a building. It covers all of the hard wiring in a building and includes items such as fuse boards, lighting outlets, switches, socket outlets, etc and details and observed damage, deterioration, defects, dangerous conditions and any non-compliances with the present-day safety standard that might give rise to danger


2. How will my business be affected while testing is being conducted?


To conduct a full inspection and test of the installation the power will be turned off at periods throughout our time on site. A survey will be conducted prior to testing to find out how the power down will affect your business and any special arrangement that you may need to make such as:

  • IT Equipment
    • PC’s, Servers, Panels, Auto dial, Contact with Maintenance Contractor
  • Security Equipment
    • Alarm Panel Fire PC, Auto dial, Contact with maintenance Contractor
  • Fire Alarm
    • Alarm, panel, Fire PC, Auto Dial, Fire & Rescue Service Contact
  • Heating & Lighting
    • Contact with maintenance contractor, emergency lighting
  • Medical Equipment
    • Battery back up / generator
  • Doors/Shutter/Windows
    • Contact with maintenance contractor / battery back-up / generator
  • Other Contractors On site
    • Cleaners/maintenance contractors
  • Special authority Access
    • Departments / areas / vulnerable adults/ children

3. Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Risk Assessment

Once the power down assessment has taken place this will form part of our RAMS (Risk Assessment/Method Statement) along with details of other risks such as working at height, PPE , Safe isolation, Fire Safety, First Aid, Manual Handling, Trip Hazards, Waste, Electric Shock etc etc. Our Electricians carry with them at all times a Health & Safety handbook detailing these risks.

Method Statement

Prior to attending site our Electricians follow a Method Statement detailing the works to be carried out and associated risks along with details of the power down. Whilst working on site our Electricians also complete a risk assessment log of measures taken while on site.

4. What Happens is any issues are found?

The report produced by White Testing will detail any observed damage, deterioration, defects, dangerous conditions and any non-compliances with the present-day safety standard that might give rise to danger. When issues are found they are classified with the following codes;

  • Code 1 – Danger Present

    Immediate remedial action required

  • Code 2 – Potentially Dangerous

    Urgent remedial action required

  • Code 3 – Improvement Recommended
  • Codes 1 & 2 should be acted on as a matter of urgency and will result in the installation being deemed as ‘unsatisfactory’ until rectified.
  • Code 3 should be given due consideration for improvement.
    White testing will endeavour to make safe any code 1 & 2< faults but further immediate action will be required.

5. If requested White Testing can repair faults upon instruction from our clients

Examples of what we find –pictures

Burnt Socket

Burnt socket

Cracked spur

Cracked Spur

Spur Burnt

Burnt Spur


Burnt Breaker

6. Where can I get more info?

There are many organisations with informative websites:

There are lots of literature, these are just few:



HSE memorandum of guidance C

HSE memorandum of guidance

7. How frequently do we need to inspect and test?

Please find below data from the Electrical Safety Council & the IET wiring regulations

According to the Electrical Safety Council

It is recommended that periodic inspection and testing is carried out at the following times:

  • for tenanted properties, every 5 years or at each change of occupancy, whichever is sooner
  • at least every 10 years for an owner-occupied home
  • at least every 5 years for a business
  • The Landlords and Tenant Act 1985 requires landlords of properties with short leases to keep the electrical wiring in repair and in proper working order. We recommend landlords arrange for periodic inspection and testing to be carried out by a registered electrician at the relevant intervals shown above.
  • Periodic inspection and testing of the electrics should be carried out more frequently on the places and premises listed here:
    • 3 years for a caravan
    • 1 year for a swimming pool
According to the IET wiring regulations – SEVENTEENTH EDITION

Chapter 62 – 622 Frequency of Inspection and Testing

  • 622.1 – The frequency of periodic Inspection and Testing of an installation shall be determined having regard to the type of installation the equipment, its use and operation, the frequency and quality of maintenance and external influences to which it is subjected. The results and recommendations of the previous report, if any, shall be taken into account.
  • 622.2 – In case of an installation under an effective management system for preventative maintenance in normal use, periodic inspection and testing may be replaced by an adequate regime of continuous monitoring and maintenance of the installation and all its constituent equipment by skilled persons, competent in such work appropriate records shall be kept.

8. What report/certificate do I get?

The reports can be provided in a variety of formats all following the model given by the IET Wiring Regulations – Seventeenth Edition.

Paper copy:

eicr report


A PDF of the report can be emailed

PDF Icon

client interactive web reporting portal:


9. Interactive Web reporting system

Interactive Web reporting system:

At the Electrotechnical Awards 2013 White Testing won ‘Best Customer Service’ for our online portal for clients.

Our Technicians complete via an ipad the report, then post immediately, via the internet, to our online admin system where the data is checked and made available to our client via their own login. The interactive system allows the client to view specific data quickly without having to wade through pages and pages of a report to get to the section they want. See pictures of system & some pages below ‘website screenshots’

To access the PAT Reporting System please click on the following link: PAT System

To access the EICR Reporting System please click on the following link: EICR System
